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Our Discord channel serves as a great platform to get to know kin members anywhere, anytime and on the go. It doesn't matter if you're out of the game, the channel is always active 24/7 (assuming we're awake of course) thus making it convenient to contact your fellow kin mates or officers when in need. Kin information as well as great tips from kin members are available in the channel, as well as text and voice chat for easier fellowship / raid coordination, or just to socialize and get to know one another. 

Additionally, we have a separate LGA Guide Channel for LotRO guides, including for cap level, legendary items, raiding, housing and more!


Kin members will receive the Discord channel links via welcome mail or can request it from any officer.


For runs and events that include non-kin members, our open Discord channel is at Feel free to join in and get updated!


The website forum is another useful online channel to communicate and post messages in, particularly if they are long and saturated with information or content. Kin members are free to post their gaming tips, updates, queries etc. provided they keep it family friendly and politics free thank you (we have more than enough of that outside the game).


Our forum can be accessed via the navigation menu above.


If none of the above appeals to you, don't forget to use in-game kin chat (type /k in the chat box) as that is in essence the fundamental channel all kin members can access and view while you're exploring Middle Earth. In-game kin chat is a channel anyone can be comfortable with, whether you're more of a solo player or looking for some members to run instances with, to just having a casual chat about the weather.


We also have an ongoing kin alliance in the Arkenstone server with Eternal Destiny, Nine Fallen Kings, Two or More Gathered, Shadow and Flame and Southern Cross. Type /joinchannel ARK in the in-game chat box to utilize the channel for events, raids or just asking for help!

© 2022 by The Last Great Alliance

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