Bronworth, Breeland Homesteads
Pay it forward
Kin members have the privilege of utilizing the kin mat houses, providing a full range of tiers of crafting mats.
The kin mat system builds on donations from kinnies - everyone that uses the mat houses is expected to contribute according to ability, i.e. pay it forward.
You are, of course, allowed and encouraged to contribute even if you don’t need to use the mat houses ❤️
Contributions and Donations
Please send your surplus crafting mats via in-game mail to Bellafur (kin Quartermaster) or any officer available - or, if you have access, place the mats in the appropriate chests yourself.
There is only room for one stack of each mat/recipe type, so if you have extra mats please send them to Bellafur for safekeeping/buffer.
Getting access
Send an in-game mail to Bellafur, stating which alt you want access on, and which mat houses you need access to.
Note: the access is not indefinite.
At irregular intervals a Quartermaster will remove access for alts that have not logged in for more than half a year or so. This is due to the fact that the number of access spots per chest is limited. Active alts will keep their access!
Open chest for crafting tiers 1 and 2 (apprentice and journeyman)
The mats for these tiers are available for all kin members, including recruits. This means that if you are a new player you can craft your own low-level gear when you still need it ⚔️ 🏹 🪖 🥾 💍
You find the chest on 1 Long street. It is the first house to the left when you enter Bronworth. You can fast-travel to the house: find Nimlara in the kinship list and click Visit (bottom right on the kinship tab).
If you continue forward you will find a Visiting Banker, a Supplier horn, a Workbench and a Forge (1 Garden street) and a Study (2 Garden Street) open for all.
The refilling of 1 Long Street is solely based on a self-managed Pay-it-forward system:
You are welcome to help yourself before you are "big" enough to gather your own mats, and you are expected to refill the chest with whatever you don't need when you leave the low-level areas (or when you return to get your deeds done 😉 )
All vocations except cook and farmer* should be able to find mats, crit ingredients and crafting recipes in this chest. If something is missing, ask in the kinship channel in-game for help.
*Note: farmer and cook have their own mat houses, as their low level mats are available at any supplier instead of the (sometimes) scary landscape.
We would like to remind kinnies that while the mats exist to help with your crafting woes, please remember that they both serve and are maintained by a community, not single kinnies.
If you require a large amount of mats from the houses, please let a Quartermaster know before acting.
Map of Bronworth, Breeland Homesteads

Other Storage Houses & Hidden Treasures
9 Chestnut Street, Bronworth, Breeland Homesteads
Visit one of our storage houses and library of Lost Lores for your listening enjoyment.

8 Long Street, Bronshaw, Breeland Homesteads
Need a map for your deed? Fret not! Another of our larger kin storage house, 8 Long Street has the collection of maps you'll need to complete that deed - just ask our officers for permission to take them down and return them back in place.