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  1. Extend help to your kin members and recruits, in any way you can when you can (Don’t forget to make time for your own game play though)

  2. Help your fellow officers also in any way you can and when you can – there’s a reason why we have a committee, so we can all share the responsibilities

  3. Manage promotions of recruits to full fledged kin members (Promotions should only be granted to recruits once they have signed the Kinship Code of Conduct and been in the kin for at least two full weeks) 

  4. Spread good intentions and behaviour within and out of kin walls

  5. Converse with your kin members

  6. Be yourself – that’s what makes you part of The Last Great Alliance



THE ADDITIONAL & SPECIALIZED (applicable to some and not necessarily all officers in charge of certain roles)


  1. Manage and replenish kin storage and auction houses, including the kin chest and kin mat houses

  2. Manage and store donations from fellow officers or any kin members

  3. Attend to crafting requests by your kin members when possible

  4. Plan and / or lead instance or other types of runs and / or events when convenient and desired, including and not limited to raids, big battles, roving threats, low level runs etc.

  5. Manage and organize the kin website and / or discord platform

  6. Manage / maintain / decorate the kin house



Officers can step down from their positions if they wish to due to any real life or in game issues that prevent them from carrying out their basic duties. In general, anyone can help their kin members in The Last Great Alliance without having to be an officer!


Officers have access to additional storage houses which have been generously provided by officers or kin members to hold kin donations and other kin-related items. Locations are as below:


  • 9 Chestnut Street, Bronworth, Breeland Homesteads (kin house)

  • 8 Chestnut Street, Bronworth, Breeland Homesteads

  • 8 Long Street, Bronshaw, Breeland Homesteads (kin house)

  • 7 Long Street, Bronshaw, Breeland Homesteads etc.



Our Discord channel acts as a very important platform for officers to communicate in and out of LotRO, and is one of our main channels of communication apart from in-game kin mail and officer chat.


An officer message board is provided within the website forums (access via navigation menu above) as well as a private officer page for other administrative related information and conversations, including meeting summaries, templates and other information to guide you and keep you updated on kin happenings and your role as an officer.


Access the officer page here (you will need a password).

© 2022 by The Last Great Alliance

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